Contemporary Writings

WE ARE LIKE THE FIRE THAT BURNS TROUGH THE NIGHT ‘I’ recall starting the page in 2014 with the then Google+ audience, this personal love letter,, how would ‘I’ know it would turn out to be, a righteous accident that became something meant to all, as then it meant to me. ‘Here’  ‘I, AM,’ still […]

Never Say ‘no’ To Love Knocking At The Door

  ( Special Note )Mon April 3/23  To ‘Me’Charisma is about loving others as ‘You’ do! Yourself, showing up on time and giving it you’re all, receiving everything for everything…It is about not never forgetting who ‘You’ are when ‘A’ proverbial storm arrives, knowing it to shell pass and walking in the room like you’re the only ‘One’ alive, leaving ‘ego’ […]

LIVING IN THE DAYS OF ‘WOE’ -In the seat of the soul by cheyenne

  ( Special Note) ‘I’ had to search myself for more simpler times gone by as the present chaos has changed how we literally move in the world. In such times you must above all know yourself and not let it drift away from you and if you should lose yourself along the way go! […]