Originally shared by L G
8th Chakra
The Monad spiritual body triad is the 7th, 8th and 9th layer but it starts connecting at the 8th Chakra level [Thymus] which is the Higher Heart. When the Monad starts coming in like this, the whole Heart changes pattern, meaning the Heart Chakra is no longer an Astral Heart 4th Chakra, it is a Blue Heart
Higher Heart Chakra Activation
Monadic Activation
The Monad spirit body is entwined with the activation of the 8th Chakra located at the thymus gland. When the Permanent Seed Atom begins to activate the sequence of Monadic integration begins to link with the 9th Chakra in a moving gyroscopic field with its center axis in the Pineal Gland.[1]
Inner Holy Spirit
The Amoraea Flame is activated when we are able to bring the three layers of our Soul Matrix into a triad body connection and we begin Monadic integration. The Amoraea Flame is the Inner Holy Spirit that ignites in the center heart of the Permanent Seed Atom that is located in the higher heart complex. This higher heart complex function is located in the 8th Chakra at the Thymus Gland.
9th Chakra
Monadic Activation
The Monad spirit body is entwined with the activation of the 8th Chakra located at the thymus gland. When the Permanent Seed Atom begins to activate the sequence of Monadic integration begins to link with the 9th Chakra in a moving gyroscopic field with its center axis in the pineal gland.[1]
Mouth of God
The 9th Chakra has been referred to as the “Mouth of God” and its opening is exactly at the back of the neck where the skull lays on top of the spine. It connects to the Medulla Oblongata and the reticular formation of the brain and spinal cord as well as the Silver Cord in the Crown that connects to the Threefold Founder Flame. This area esoterically has been called the Golden Chalice for it is the Occipital Cup that holds the Cosmic Intelligence or Wisdom. It is a literal brain rewiring (spiritual body activation) in order to hold and be receptive to the “Golden Chalice” of Universal Knowledge which is transmitted through the Silver Cord in the Crown once Kundalini activation has taken place.
Many of us are becoming aware that we are being connected to another “language”, another octave, another dimensional layer of accessing knowledge. There are waves of us accelerated into this spiritual body development of accessing Universal Knowledge from the Golden Chalice as it activates processes in the base of our brain. We may not comprehend it quite yet, as it involves a language of “code”, “syntax” or “archetype”. However our sensory faculties are aware of something that is changing the “field” and our relationships to everything in it.
This is the same 9D portal area of Guardian Planet Emancipation Projects rehabilitating the mental body fragments of the male/Family of Michael consciousness grids damaged by the Golden Eagle Grid and the Iran Gate.[2]
Ascension glossary/
Good morning, cheyenne