To the makers of money it is everything…

 Health)  –  Because you can buy anything

Power ) Because you can sway opinions

Resources) Because you can pay to

build or tear down

Illusion) Because through swaying

opinions you can remain in the

shadows, demanding Republicans

or Democrats follow your agenda,

while you play the money game of

grabbing every thing in sight down

to water and air….You have proclaimed in your actions ” Money”

as god of the material world…

But in truth money is an illusion you

made that in the end means nothing.

And as you have stolen it all, to run

off with it into the future…We see it

for the nothingness it is….You and

your illusionary god will never replace life, dreams, art, the abundance of Man & God with the

replacement of lies and hell….

We as a collective energy stand

resolute in evolving out of your

temporary lies and chaos into the

resolution of ourselves as one

with our ” TRUE GOD ” 

        –       Cheyenne        –

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Originally shared by Jw Collins

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